Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Canada's Four Seasons

Hello from inside on this rainy day, boys and girls!

A few weeks back I bought a really great pair of shorts, thinking I should stock up for the season.  Yesterday it snowed.  And although the flowers are back from under their white blanket (and even though I loved the snow, cause, it's me), it doesn't look like it's going to nice around here for a little while.

Reminds me of the old saying, "Canada has four seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Construction."

Well here are the clothes I decided to wear today in this rainy month of Still Winter.  One of my very dearest friends is recently back from a year away in Australia, so I wanted to look snazzy for hanging out with her today.  She's only visiting for a little while, so I tried to pull out all the stops!

Shirt - H&M
Scarf - Stand Up Apparel (from Salt Spring Island, BC)
Dress - Forever 21
Tights - Joe Fresh
Boots - H&M

I really like the brightness of this outfit: who'd've ever thunk I'd wear such a thing!  But you need something like this to remind you it is indeed Spring, and not Still Winter on a day like today.  A day when you spend the majority of your day drinking tea, eating soup, and napping with one of your best ladies.

Dress positively and in flagrant contravention of the weather, boys and girls!


Your friend Lina

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